Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Moving On Theory


Been months since I wrote, I believe. Hehe.. And of course I have seen a lot more than before.. :)
I was in like (and maybe a bit a lot of like), I got older, I was (and I still am, even more) happy, met cool people, saw some new stuffs, learn cool new things.. My life is as perfect as always. Had turbulent as normal, cried as you may expected, laughed harder than you could imagine..

My life is Awesome!
So I have encountered manymanymanymany things (Anyone noticed, please, I hold the patent and I invented this phrase) happening these times. One of my close friends, and I, apparently.. Might be experiencing something somewhat alike about disappointment. Maybe her case was bigger than mine, but I would say, that it's just the way you see and handle it that makes it big, enormous, small, or even just unnoticeable notch.
Until now, when this post is published, she's at her tries (sorry pal, can't say this is your best shot.. You could've been a lot better than this) to get over it. I can't say that I am totally over mine yet, but I clearly am on the way to. :)

We don't need to talk about the problems ;)
We certainly need solutions instead of problems ^^

So, this is what I think, and what I decided to do:

I of course plan to move forward.
There are just some shots of painful moments I have as usual,
but this time I will not fight it.
I'll let it come.
I'll face it.
It's an absolute consequence when I invited the "trouble" to come, I will bleed..
But I will just swallow it.

I'd say that.. I will not run from the cures.
Having to take the pills is just never fun. Pills are bitter. And sometimes you feel them stuck in your throat even if they're not.. Shortly, they are just BAD.

But maybe that's just how it may work.
My digestive system will digest it. Digest the pain..
Retain what's needed for me to learn that will lead to a better me.
And finally it will release the unneeded substances out in whatever shapes..

When it's out as poo poo, we will flush it.. 
When it's out as sweat, we will wipe it..

All the pain will just be gone :)
And what's left will be just the best things we need, to keep going.
The substances our body took for us to make us a better person.
And I think.. that's just how I'd say about my moving on theory..

Goodbye yesterday.. Thanks for everything.. ;)


  1. bram said...

    Mentioning poo poo somehow lessen the whole poetic impression of the post.
    I'd rather choose another analogy hehe

    I dont think blogspot has new comment notification, does it?