Wednesday, June 23, 2010

In Love, Lost, Life, and Lust

So I was in love. I was in love with a man, with life, with myself, with the moments, and also with the future that was promised to be bright and well.

Crazy how everything trembled down in a second. All what built was destroyed in a blink of an eye, and every single thing turned upside-down, inside-out, leaving me breathing nervously with a heart that beat uncontrolled in vain.

In short, I lost everything I had.

What I find happened next was me leaving my hometown in a broken heart, moving to another town to study with no certain goal I normally set before I start something. Could not expect anything to happen but to do the homework, get busy, and move on.

Homework? Check.
Busy? Double Check.
Friends? Triple Check.
Fun? 10-Times Check.
But what if I did not move at all?
Truth is, I did not move on. Maybe I didn't want to, or maybe I'd rather keep the hurts than feel nothing.


Kept on going back and forth, seeing nothing and being numb. I was awesome. Hahaha.
But if I look at the calendar now, I think I'm doing just okay.
I'm happy enough. Busy enough, loved enough.. ^^

I don't miss him..

Could I probably move on yet?
